Delvin Mallory – My Contacts Say

Thieves Guild in Riften

Delvin Mallory informing Thrynn of some recent street talk.

“Got a bit of street word from my contacts that you might be interested in.”

“Yeah, what is it?”

“Well, one item of interest is someone sent by the Emperor to find the Dragonborn.”

“That’s an easy one, Delvin. It’s Vilja.”

“One might think so but without proof can’t go around saying you are the Dragonborn.”

“You saying they want proof of it?”

“Aye. Other tidbit is another sighting of a dragon has been reported since the one from Helgen was killed.”

“Dragons have come back?”

“Appears so, old friend. However, what makes this so interesting, Thrynn, is the Jarl of Whiterun dismissed the second sighting. Claimed the Dragonborn would take care of it. He ordered no more messages regarding any dragons be brought before him.”

“Vilja isn’t going to stick around to fight a dragon.”

“She may have to since it is one of the tests of verification she has to go through.”

“Well, interesting information, Delvin.”

“Ah no, Thrynn, the best part is last. You see if Vilja is not the Dragonborn, you will be tested as well.”

“Bah, I’m no more the Dragonborn as Vipir the Fleet will never bed Sapphire.”

“Ha! Got a long standing bet with Vekel the Man on that one. I’m with you but old soft heart Vekel thinks she will cave to him.”

“Besides Vilja will prove she is it.”

“Now to put the chill to the bottle, if neither of you are the Dragonborn there’s only one person left. This official for the Emperor has a message to give them.”

“We will see. The Jarl of Whiterun would not name the wrong person.”

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